Mastering Art Journal Page Composition: The Rule of Thirds

Are you looking to enhance the visual appeal of your art journal pages and create compositions that captivate the eye? Look no further than the tried-and-true technique known as the Rule of Thirds. This fundamental principle has been a staple in the world of visual arts for centuries and it continues to be a powerful tool for artists and creators today. In this blog post, we'll dive into the concept of the Rule of Thirds and explore how you can apply it to elevate your art journal page compositions to new heights.

Understanding the Rule of Thirds:

The Rule of Thirds is a compositional guideline that involves dividing your canvas, whether it's a physical journal or a digital platform, into nine equal parts by drawing two equally spaced horizontal lines and two equally spaced vertical lines. The resulting grid resembles a tic-tac-toe (noughts & crosses) board, with four intersection points known as "power points." These power points are where the lines intersect and they play a crucial role in creating visual interest and balance within your composition.

Why Does It Work?

Our brains are wired to find balance and harmony in visual elements. The Rule of Thirds aligns with this innate preference by placing key elements of your composition at or near the power points or along the grid lines. This technique prevents central placement, which can sometimes result in a static and less engaging composition.

Applying the Rule of Thirds to Art Journal Pages:

  • Placing Focal Points: Identify the main focal point or points of your art journal page. These could be a subject, an illustration, or a piece of text. Instead of centering your focal point, position it close to one of the power points or along the intersecting grid lines. This creates a sense of dynamism and guides the viewer's eye around the page.

  • Balancing Elements: Imagine your composition as a visual puzzle. By placing secondary elements along the grid lines or near the remaining power points, you achieve a harmonious balance that keeps the viewer engaged. This prevents one element from overpowering the rest and helps create a cohesive visual story.

  • Creating Movement: The Rule of Thirds also lends itself well to creating a sense of movement in your composition. When elements are positioned along the grid lines, the viewer's gaze naturally follows these lines, allowing for a more fluid and enjoyable viewing experience.

  • Negative Space: Don't underestimate the power of negative space. Empty areas in your composition can be just as impactful as filled ones. The Rule of Thirds can guide you in placing negative space strategically, adding breathing room and enhancing the overall aesthetics.

  • Experimentation: As with any artistic technique, feel free to experiment. While the Rule of Thirds is a reliable guideline, it's not a strict rule. There will be instances where breaking away from the grid can create a unique and compelling effect. Trust your artistic instincts and let your creativity shine.

In Conclusion:

The Rule of Thirds is a versatile tool that empowers artists to create captivating and balanced compositions in their art journal pages. By harnessing the power of this age-old guideline, you can guide the viewer's gaze, enhance visual interest and infuse your pages with a dynamic energy that keeps them coming back for more.

Remember, while the Rule of Thirds offers a strong foundation, art is ultimately about expression and experimentation. So, take these principles, make them your own and watch as your art journal pages come to life in exciting new ways.


Weekly Vlog - September 2023 - WK#37


Weekly Vlog - September 2023 - WK#36