Large Santo Cage Doll Kit (Part One)

This is a new laser cut MDF(Medite) kit that I've been wanting to design and create for quite a few years. I hope you enjoy the first part of this two part construction and decoration video.

Santo dolls are also known as cage dolls as the bottom half of their body looks like a cage. 

Original Santo or Santos dolls date from the Spanish Colonial era where they were used in churches to represent the church’s patron saint. Commonly found In places like the Philippines, Puerto Rico, Mexico & in the USA in Northern New Mexico & Southern Colorado. 

Annually, they would be paraded throughout the town as part of birthday celebrations of the saint. They were also used in small villages that did not have a church as part of a domestic altar.

Click below to see how I begin construction and the first part of the decoration process!

Large Santo Cage Doll Lasercut Medite Kit

ArtsyTrio Video Hop - Moodboard No#19


Weekly Vlog - March 2023 - WK#12