“Green Fingers” Mid Month Mini Mission Inspiration Art Tag

It’s time once again for another Mid Month Mini Mission: Inspiration over on our art challenge Facebook group. This month the mini prompt is “Green Fingers”. As it’s spring here in the UK and my front garden is awash with bright red tulips I thought I’d use those as inspiration for my art tag this month.

I’ve included the prompt sheet below if you’d like to use it for one of your art projects

If you’d like to see how I created my “Green Fingers” collage art tag for this month’s Mid Month Mini Mission: Inspiration, then you can click below to watch my full creation process from start to finish.

If you’d like to join us in our monthly art challenge Facebook group, simply click the link below and ask to join!


Weekly Vlog - April 2023 - WK#16


Weekly Vlog - April 2023 - WK#15